All the information contained in our website has been compiled and checked with great care.
Legal Notice
ETTER SOEHNE AG accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the information herein. No responsibility or liability will be accepted for any material or non-material damage or loss arising from accessing, using or not using the public information, whether through misuse of the internet connections or through technical faults.Liability for Links
Direct or indirect links to third-party websites are outside our area of responsibility. All liability for such websites is categorically denied. The user alone bears full responsibility for accessing and making use of such websites.
Intellectual Property
Copyright and all other rights concerning text, graphics, images, visuals and other material on the website are the exclusive property of ETTER SOEHNE AG or the named legal owner. The written agreement of the copyright-holder is required in advance for the reproduction of any item.
Data Protection
In accordance with Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and with federal data protection regulations, every person has the right of protection of his/her privacy as well as protection from the misuse of his/her personal data. We comply with these regulations. Personal data is treated with the strictest confidentiality and not passed or sold to a third person. In close collaboration with our host providers and to the best of our ability, we protect our data bank from being accessed externally, from loss, misuse or forgery. On accessing our website, the following data is stored in log files: IP-address, date, time, browser request and general transmitted information regarding system software or browser. This user data forms the basis for anonymous statistical assessments, so that trends can be identified, on the basis of which our services are improved accordingly.Applicable Law
Legal claims in connection with the use of our website are governed and construed in accordance with Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is in Zug.
The Copyright for the Internet site is the property of ETTER SOEHNE AG.
Chollerstrasse 4
6300 Zug
Fon 041 748 51 51