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Etter Vieille Kirsch "Barrique" 42% vol

Original Etter Vieille Kirsch 70cl, 42% vol
This speciality gets its fine aromatic, delicate, elegant flavour by being carefully aged in wooden barrels and 50-litre demijohns. The kirsch with the feminine touch, milder thanks to the barrel storage. Complete harmony. DistiSuisse Award 2021 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch DistiSuisse Award 2019 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch

Original Etter Vieille Kirsch 35cl, 42% vol
This speciality gets its fine aromatic, delicate, elegant flavour by being carefully aged in wooden barrels and 50-litre demijohns. The kirsch with the feminine touch, milder thanks to the barrel storage. Complete harmony. DistiSuisse Award 2021 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch DistiSuisse Award 2019 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch

Original Etter Vieille Kirsch 10cl, 42% vol
This speciality gets its fine aromatic, delicate, elegant flavour by being carefully aged in wooden barrels and 50-litre demijohns. The kirsch with the feminine touch, milder thanks to the barrel storage. Complete harmony. DistiSuisse Award 2021 - Gold medal Vieille KirschDistiSuisse Award 2019 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch

Miniature Etter Vieille Kirsch 2cl, 42% vol
This speciality gets its fine aromatic, delicate, elegant flavour by being carefully aged in wooden barrels and 50-litre demijohns. The kirsch with the feminine touch, milder thanks to the barrel storage. Complete harmony. DistiSuisse Award 2021 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch DistiSuisse Award 2019 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch

Black Beauty Etter Vieille Kirsch 20cl, 42% vol
This speciality gets its fine aromatic, delicate, elegant flavour by being carefully aged in wooden barrels and 50-litre demijohns. The kirsch with the feminine touch, milder thanks to the barrel storage. Complete harmony. DistiSuisse Award 2021 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch DistiSuisse Award 2019 - Gold medal Vieille Kirsch
